Cross-listing Courses in EvaluationKit

EvaluationKit is a tool designed to assist in managing course evaluations online through Canvas. The tool works with the information already stored in Canvas to help choose which courses and students to send the evaluation to. The student responses are kept anonymous and all data is collected for later reporting to department administrators and instructors. 

In this guide, you'll learn how to cross-list courses in EvaluationKit.

Note: These instructions are not the same as Cross-listing courses in Canvas. Any courses cross-listed in Canvas should also cross-listed in EvaluationKit. 

Accessing Your Course in EvaluationKIT

  1. ​​​​​​​Go to the EvaluationKit website ( and log in with your HWS credentials.
  2. Once you are logged in, click on Projects button.
  3. After that, click on the appropriate project you'll be working on.
  4. The course you have selected should then open with different options in tabs. Please continue reading to complete the process.

Cross-listing Your Course

  1. Click on the Courses tab, like in the image above.
  2. You should then see Course properties. Search for the first or "parent" course. 
  3. When you find the first course listing, click on the pencil icon to the right side of the listing. 
  4. You'll then be in the edit section. Please then scroll down to the Crosslist Course section. 
  5. Click into the text box below Hierarchy Level and choose the department that houses the second or "child" course.
  6. When the list refreshes, click the Course list on the left side of the page, and select the proper second course.
    1. Note: If the course is not available, it may have been deleted, or it is still currently synchronized with Canvas. If you are in need of assistance or have any questions regarding a course's availability, send an email to for additional support.
  7. When complete, click the Save button.

Need additional help? Contact the HWS IT Services Help Desk.

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Article ID: 147182
Wed 10/12/22 12:23 PM
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