To grade assignments uploaded to Canvas, faculty can use an Apple iPad and the Canvas and Box Folder apps. Students should upload their assignments as PDFs, and faculty should create a Box folder to download the submissions into for grading. It is recommended that faculty use a Box folder structure that emulates Course Number > Assignment > PDFs. The containing folder name is inconsequential, however to insure that Canvas can re-upload graded assignments, PDF must keep the same names.
What's Needed
General Process
Assignment and Submissions
- Faculty should craft their assignment as needed, requesting a file upload of a PDF
- After the students have submitted the assignment, faculty should download all submissions: In the Canvas course, navigate to Grades > Three Dot Assignment Menu > Download Submissions
- Follow the instructions on the screen to save the generated zip file
- Unzip files into a folder
- Import files and folder into Box
Grading on iPad for the first time
- Open the Box App
- Log in with HWS credentials
- Verify that files that need to be graded can be accessed
- Open the Files App
- Using the internal navigation, open the Box Folder containing items that need to be graded
- Using the Pen icon at the top to open markup, grade as needed, toggling the markup button on and off as needed to scroll
- Upon completion, in the upper left, tap Done. This should save the marked up PDF to Box
Subsequent Grading Experience
- Open the Files App
- Using the internal navigation, open the Box Folder containing items that need to be graded
- Using the Pen icon at the top to open markup, grade as needed, toggling the markup button on and off as needed to scroll
- Upon completion, in the upper left, select Done. This should save the marked up PDF to Box
Uploading Graded Assignments to Canvas
- From the folder containing the graded PDF assignments, create a zip file. The name of this file should not matter, so long as the PDFs contained have remained the same name.
- In the Canvas course, navigate to Grades > Three Dot Assignment Menu > Re-Upload Submissions
- Select the zipped folder with graded PDF files
- Tap Upload and verify that files are successfully returned to students
Additional Resources
Canvas Download All Submissions Guide
Canvas Re-Upload Guide
Compressing and Uncompressing Files: PC or Mac
Using Markup
Using Markup with Apple Pencil
Need additional help? Contact the HWS IT Services Digital Learning Team.