Creating Customized Student Learning Feedback Forms (SLFF) in EvaluationKit


HWS will use EvaluationKit to allow faculty to receive feedback from students based on course-specific learning objectives. Faculty will be able to customize the Student Learning Feedback Form (SLFF) template to reflect the goals, concepts, and skills taught in each of their classes and then deploy that form to their students using EvaluationKit.


HWS uses a software called EvaluationKit to allow faculty to receive feedback from students based on course-specific learning objectives. Faculty can copy the Student Learning Feedback Form (SLFF) template and customize it to reflect the goals, concepts, and skills taught in each of their classes; then they deploy that form to their students using EvaluationKit. These customized forms can be used across semesters each time the course is taught.

After creating the forms in EvaluationKit, they will remain in your account; you will be able to use the same form every time you teach the same class, or you will be able to make a copy of the form and edit it if your course objectives change in a future semester. This also means that you must attach your SLFFs to your classes each semester.

How to access/copy the Student Learning Feedback Form (SLFF) template on EvaluationKit

1. Go to the EvaluationKit website and log in with your HWS credentials

2. At the top of the screen, click Custom Questions, then Custom Question Surveys

3. Click Create New Custom Question Survey

4. Title your SLFF using the following convention: Course Prefix and Number – Course Name – Semester [ex: PHYS112 – Intro to Astronomy – Fall 2023]

5. Click Save

6. To access the SLFF template, from the Add a Question dropdown menu, select From LO Item Bank

7. In the Item Banks dropdown select SLFF Template then Search

8. Click + Add

9. In the Search Item Banks page, select SLFF Template under Item Banks, then select Search.

10. To import the questions in the SLFF template into your own SLFF, check the Select All checkbox

11. Click Add Selected Questions

How to edit your Student Learning Feedback Form (SLFF)

1. To edit the text of the questions you want to use, to the right of the question, click the pencil icon

2. In the text box, delete “To enter your custom text, click the pencil icon above” and type your own custom text

3. Click Update Question Text

4. Repeat Steps 1, 2, and 3 for all questions desired

5. To remove the questions you do not need, to the right of the question, click the X icon

6. When finished, select Done at the top of the page.

Please note: You may encounter a warning stating “You are trying to navigate away, and you have unsaved changes. If you continue without saving, you will lose your unsaved changes.” This is an issue with the software, but as long as you have saved every question you have edited, all changes are saved. To confirm, once you select OK select the Preview icon next to the survey and view the changes you’ve made to your survey.

Need additional help? Contact the HWS IT Services Digital Learning Team.



Article ID: 137553
Mon 9/6/21 9:36 AM
Wed 11/8/23 8:51 AM

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