Students that are not enrolled full time in Hobart and William Smith Colleges, but still require access to technology resources at the Colleges, will receive username and password information securely using the Colleges Large File Transfer System. Outside users will need to create an account in the Large File Transfer System in order to gain access to the shared account information.
In most cases, non-HWS users will receive an email from HWS IT Services containing account information. The steps below will walk through the process of setting up and using the HWS Large File Transfer System.
Creating an account:
1. To start the process, click the blue button 'Access message' in your preferred personal email account.

2. On the next screen, enter your preferred personal email and click, Next

Note: Do not click Sign in with HWS Credentials. Please use your personal email to create access to the Large File Transfer System.
3. On the Create account screen, enter your preferred email; create and confirm your preferred password.
4. Click Create Account

5. The Large File Transfer System will send an email confirming your new account. Return to your preferred personal email and click 'Activate account'

Signing in after the account has been created:
Once your account has been created; follow the steps below for day to day access to the HWS Large File Transfer System:
1. Go to the Large File Transfer web site:
2. On the main login screen, enter your email and click Next

2. One the next page, enter your system password that was setup during the activation process.
3. Click Sign In

See the article, Securely E-Mail Large Files for further information on how to use the Large File Transfer System.