What kinds of data may I store on Box?


Chart of different types of data and what should be stored on Box.


All users of Box are subject to the Responsible and Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources policy.


Allowed Data Types

What kinds of data may I store on Box? Yes No
Research data that does not contain personally identifiable information and is not subject to export controls  
Identifiable Human Subjects Research Data designated as Level 2 by the Institutional Review Board (IRB)  
Government-Issued IDs (Drivers Licenses, Visa & Passport data, etc.)  
Credit Card or Bank Account Numbers  
Electronic protected health information as defined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)  
Classified research data or research data subject to export controls  
Identifiable Human Subjects Research Data designated as Level 3 by the Institutional Review Board (IRB)  



Article ID: 68694
Mon 12/10/18 3:00 PM
Mon 10/18/21 3:03 PM

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