How to Include Voicemail Attachment In E-mail
Using The Web Portal To Enable Voicemail Attachment In E-mail Notification
Using The Web Portal To Disable Voicemail Attachment In E-mail Notification
Though this setting is available to you, it would be best to submit a ticket with and have this configured for you. If you change this yourself the one item that may fail to function as you are used to is the red-light message indicator on the top of your phone. If you request this change from us, we will change your voicemail class of service and disable said light for you as not to annoy you by always being lit up.
- If you are at an HWS building, please start on step #3
- If off campus, VPN into HWS
- Open a web browser
- Navigate to
- Login with your HWS credentials
- Click Notification Settings

- Click the E-Mail tab

- Check Include WAV Attachment
- Click OK for default greeting
You will now receive a WAV sound file attachment in your e-mail notification when you receive a voicemail.
- If you are at an HWS building, please start on step #3
- If off campus, VPN into HWS
- Open a web browser
- Navigate to
- Login with your HWS credentials
- Click the E-Mail tab

- Uncheck Include WAV Attachment
- Click OK for default greeting
You have now disabled the WAV sound file attachment for e-mail notification when you receive a voicemail.