Voicemail: How To Reset Your Security Passcode


How To Reset Your Security Passcode


How To Reset Your Security Passcode

Security Code Default and Requirements

Using The Web Portal To Reset Your Security Passcode

Using Your Desk Phone To Reset Your Security Passcode

Reset Forgotten Security Code

Security Code Default And Requirements

  2. · MINIMUM LENGTH – 4 Characters
    o NO Sequential Numbers (example – 1234)
    o NO Duplicate values in a row (example – 1111, or 1122, or 1112)

Using The Web Portal To Reset Your Security Passcode

  1. If you are at a HWS building, please start on step #3
  2. If off campus, VPN into HWS
  3. Open a web browser
  4. Navigate to voicemail.hws.edu
  5. Login with your HWS credentials
  6. Click Personal SettingsPersonal Settings

  7. Click the Security Code tabSecurity Code
  8. Enter 2580 for the Current Security Code textbox
  9. Enter your new security code in both the New Security Code and Confirm Security Code textboxes.
    ***See security code requirements above if you have any issues
  10. Click OK


Using Your Desk Phone To Reset Your Security Passcode

  1. Dial 3113 (on campus) or 315-781-3113 (off campus)
  2. Enter your passcode
    If this is your first time, enter 2580 and you will be prompted to change this passcode.
  3. Press 8 *
  4. Press 0 – For Mailbox Options
  5. Press 1 – For Personal Options
  6. Press 4 – For Change Your Security Code
  7. ENTER your new security code
  8. Press #
  9. ENTER your new security code again
  10. Press #

Reset Forgotten Security Code

  1. If you are at an HWS building, please start on step #3
  2. If off campus, VPN into HWS
  3. Open a web browser
  4. Navigate to voicemail.hws.edu
  5. Login with your HWS credentials
  6. Click Personal SettingsPersonal Settings

  7. Click the Security Code tabForgot Security Code
  8. Click Forgot Security Code

  9. Enter your HWS e-mail addressRequest Security Code Reset
  10. Click OK
    A notification will pop up with your account details in it indicating that an e-mail has been sent.
  11. Open your e-mail to continue
  12. Copy and paste the link from the e-mail into your web browser

  13. Enter your new security codeReset Security Code
  14. Click OK

  15. You will be prompted with a successful change and get a button to LoginSuccess



Article ID: 84076
Wed 7/31/19 8:27 AM
Thu 10/12/23 8:43 AM

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