Updating Phone Numbers and Campus Directory Preferences

You can update your campus phone number and add/edit/remove your mobile (or other) phone number. Change what phone number is displayed in the global address book or the internal phone/e-mail campus directory.

To update your phone numbers:

  1. Go to https://psportal.hws.edu/ and select Human Resources
  2. Log in with your HWS username and password


  1. Select the menu drop down Main Menu > Self Service > Personal Information > Phone Numbers#





  1. You can update your primary extension in the Extension field. Be sure to keep the Telephone number as 315-781-3000; changing that will not reflect your correct #extension. Keep the check box checked for Preferred.


  1. To add your mobile number (or any other number), select Add a Phone Number#


  1. In the drop-down menu on the left, select Mobile (or the appropriate number type of your choice)
  2. Enter your phone number and press Save#





  1. To change what phone number (if any) is displayed in the global address book or campus directory, select Personal Information > Campus Directory Preferences from the drop-down menu
  2. #If you would like your preferred phone number to be displayed in the global address book and campus directory, make sure the check box is checked and press Save


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Article ID: 118050
Fri 10/9/20 1:48 PM
Fri 10/9/20 1:56 PM