Combining Multiple PDFs into One PDF

Before you Begin

Before attempting to use any of the following methods, you should make sure that all of the documents you are going to combine are saved in PDF format.

Using Adobe Acrobat DC

To use Adobe Acrobat DC, follow the instructions provided by Adobe.   

Using Preview on Mac

To use Preview to combine multiple files, follow the following steps:

  1. Open one the PDFs that you will need to combine in Preview.
  2. Go to View > Thumbnails to see thumbnail previews of each of the pages in the document
  3. To indicate where to insert the next PDF, select the last page thumbnail
  4. Go to Edit > Insert > Page from file
  5. Select the PDF that you want to insert and click 'Open'
  6. To save, Choose File > Export as PDF

You may also reorder pages by clicking the thumbnail and dragging the image up or down to reorder.  

Combining Documents into a Single PDF Using an Online Tool

  1. In a browser, navigate to
  2. Click on Merge PDF
  3. Drag and drop the files into the box in the middle of the screen. Alternatively, click Choose Files. Note: Add the files in the order you would like them to appear in the final document.
  4. Click Download.
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