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    Directions on how to use public desktop computers remotely.
    Methods for combining multiple files into a single PDF
    Article covering how to make OCR Text from scanned documents on both laptop/desktop and mobile devices. This article will assist in making PDFs more accessible and usable for screen readers.
    Online tutorials for a variety of different software.
    To Download Adobe Creative Cloud Apps:
    • HWS Faculty and Staff have access to Adobe Creative Cloud applications via an Adobe Enterprise ID, assigned by HWS IT Services. This can be used to download and install Adobe Creative Cloud applications on your HWS owned computer, as well as on a second device (which can be a personal device.)
    • HWS Students only have access to the Adobe Creative Cloud applications as licensed by HWS while accessing the Creative Cloud on an HWS owned computer configure
    Any time you use any of the Adobe Creative Suite applications, such as Photoshop, Premier, Lightroom, etc, you will need to sign in with either an Adobe ID (for students) or an Enterprise ID (for faculty/staff).