Productivity Applications (Microsoft 365)

Summary (what you get):

All students, faculty, and staff are provided Microsoft 365, which is platform agnostic. The Microsoft 365 ecosystem includes the classic Microsoft Office applications plus other secure productivity services that are delivered over the Internet. Microsoft 365 offers cloud storage (OneDrive), synchronous collaboration features (Teams and Office Applications), and digital notebooks (OneNote) among other features. Microsoft 365 also works with other HWS services like Box.

Services include:

Microsoft 365

To view all the applications provided by the HWS Microsoft 365 ecosystem, log in to  Office 365 can be downloaded and installed on up to five devices. Some of the applications available are:

  • OneDrive - File Storage
  • Teams - Group Collaboration
  • Office 365 -  Browser based or downloadable Microsoft Office Applications (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.)

Features of these applications can include:

  • Sharing files
  • Sharing spaces
  • Collaborative/multi-user editing
  • Real-time communication/persistence
  • Ability to use anywhere, on any device

Services do not include:

If there is an application or add-on that you want to use but is not available, you can request it by using the request a third-party application form.

Access for retired faculty or staff, nor emeritus faculty. Access to e-mail is only available through or a third-party mail application that is not Microsoft Outlook.

When you receive it:

Microsoft 365

Access for individual use of Microsoft 365 is available immediately by navigating to and logging in using your HWS credentials.



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