User Managed Courses (Canvas)

Summary (what you get):

In some cases, faculty and staff members are granted access to a Canvas course site that does not involve credit-bearing activities. These course sites are primarily used for administrative, training, or other similar purposes. These sites exist independently within a subset of the main Canvas system and are not linked to any Peoplesoft data feeds.

Students cannot initiate requests for a User Managed Course site; such requests must be made by faculty or staff members.

Services include:

  • Teacher Assignment: The requester or another designated faculty/staff member(s) is given the role of a teacher within the Canvas course site. This role allows for full roster updates and maintenance activities.
  • Student Enrollment: All User Managed Course sites are created with the option to invite students to the course using the "self-enroll by sharing with them a secret URL" feature. This method is strongly recommended for adding students to the User Managed Course Site. When sending invitations via the secret URL option, it is crucial to use the student's e-mail address. If you are unsure about a student's e-mail address, you can find it in the Global Address List or through rosters in Canvas or Peoplesoft.

For additional guidance on enrolling students using the secret URL option, please refer to this Canvas help link: How do I enable course self-enrollment with a join code.

Service is only appropriate when:

  • You intend to create a course that is not graded and involves collaboration among faculty and staff.
  • You wish to establish a non-graded course/training with student participation.
  • The course you want to create will not affect student grades recorded by the registrar.

How to request this service:

To request this service, click the "Request" button at the upper right corner of this page.Upon submitting your request, the DLT (Digital Learning Team) will review the request and discuss available options with you.

Request a User Managed Course

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