Faculty and students can remotely access the wide variety of software tools available on public campus computers. If you had access to remote computers in a previous semester, start with Downloading the Splashtop Business App.
Getting Invited and Creating an Account
Using the Splashtop Business App
Accessing Campus Computers
Getting Invited and Creating an Account
First time users will receive an e-mail invite to create a Splashtop account.
1. In the invitation email, click on the Accept Invitation Link
2. Click Single Sign-On Login
3. Log in with your email (AB1234@hws.edu) and password
Note: If you have used the incorrect e-mail, contact the IT Services Help Desk to get it resolved.

Open the Splashtop Business App
1. Open the Splashtop Business App
2. Enter your HWS Email (AB1234@hws.edu)
3. Click Log In
5. Enter your HWS Username
6. Click Submit
7. Enter your Password
8. Click Submit
9. Continue to the Splashtop Business App
Accessing Campus Computers
Accessing campus computers remotely requires the Splashtop Business App which is installed on all of the Help Desk Computers.
1. Open the Splashtop Business App
2. Locate an available computer, Double-click the Computer or click the Connect Icon
Note: Available computers will look active. Computers that are greyed out are asleep or turned off. Computers with a green circle around them are being used by another student.

6. Log in to the computer using your HWS Credentials
Before disconnecting from a device make sure you log out of the computer you are using first. Logging out and disconnecting are two separate things.
Need additional help? Contact the HWS IT Services Help Desk.