Setting up Registration for a Meeting or Webinar

Using registration with a meeting or webinar creates a more secure meeting and allows the host to collect information about the attendees like name and e-mail. Registration can only be enabled through the web portal. After scheduling a meeting and enabling registration, it is recommended that you review and edit the registration settings.

Enabling Registration

Editing Registration Settings

Adding Questions for Attendees

Adding Custom Questions

Enabling Registration

1. Open a browser, go to

2. Click Login

3. Enter your HWS username and password

4. Click Submit

5. On the left navigation menu, click Meetings

6. On the top right, click Schedule a Meeting

Note: You can add registration to a meeting that has already been scheduled by clicking the Title of the Meeting


7. Under Registration, check Required


8. Finish scheduling the meeting

9. Click Save

After saving, do not close your browser, and continue on to the next sections to edit the registration settings and questions.

Editing Registration Settings

These settings can be adjusted as you see fit.

1. On the meeting summary page, under Registration, on the bottom right, click Edit


2. In the Registration pop-up window, under Registration, use the following settings:

a. Under Approval, check Automatically Approve

b. Under Other Options, check Close registration after event date

c. Under Other Options, uncheck Allow attendees to join from multiple devices

3. Click Save All


Adding Questions for Attendees

By default, all attendees are required to provide their first name and e-mail address. Additional system questions can be enabled or required.

1. On the meeting summary page, under Registration, on the bottom right, click Edit


2. In the Registration pop-up window, click Questions

3. For each question you want to include, check the box on the left of the question

4. For each question you want to be required, check the box on the right of the question

5. Click Save All


Adding Custom Questions

Custom questions can be added to supplement any of the default questions provided.

1. On the meeting summary page, under Registration, on the bottom right, click Edit


2. In the Registration pop-up window, click Custom Questions

3. Click New Question

4. Verify that the type and required options are what you want.

5. In the Question field, enter your question text

6. Click Create


7. To add new questions, click New Question

8. When finished, click Save All


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Article ID: 131471
Mon 4/12/21 2:43 PM
Tue 4/13/21 11:34 AM

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