Course Technology

Canvas, Box, Zoom, smart classrooms, student learning feedback, poster projects

Categories (6)

Academic Continuity

Resources to help teach courses online

Student Learning Feedback Forms

Student learning feedback forms (SLFF) through EvaluationKit

Articles (15)

Embedding and Sharing Videos

Using Box to deliver video content through Canvas is a great way to ensure that students have access to the content in an easy and accessible way.

Finding a Student, Staff or Faculty Email

Finding an e-mail for an HWS user.

Mirroring 360 through Mirroring Assist for OSX

Mirroring 360 is a program on some teaching stations that facilitates faculty teaching wirelessly from mobile devices or laptops; enhances collaboration and discussion by enabling display from multiple student devices; and can be used in various other ways in the classroom.

POSIT Cloud Collaborative Space for Student Projects

This article describes a POSIT collaboration space for group collaborations as well as the process for requesting a student group collaboration space.

POSIT Cloud Faculty: Inviting Students to POSIT

Outlines the options available to faculty to invite students to their POSIT workspaces.

POSIT Cloud Student Login Process: Accepting the Invitation to POSIT

Steps for students to accept an invitation to join a POSIT workspace and to join a course space.

POSIT Cloud: Recovering past course coding course work

The article outlines the steps for students that request to access past POSIT cloud code projects to preserve the code for another project or for portfolio building.

Poster Projects

Tips and templates for getting started with poster projects. For additional help contact the Digital Learning Team.

Smart Classroom Quick Start Guide

Smart classroom quick start guide and troubleshooting guide.

Smart Classroom Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting for classroom technology

Teaching Wirelessly: Mirroring 360 Questions and Answers

Mirroring 360 is a program on some teaching stations that facilitates faculty teaching wirelessly from mobile devices or laptops; enhances collaboration and discussion by enabling display from multiple student devices; and can be used in various other ways in the classroom. If you are interested in using Mirroring 360 in your class, contact the Digital Learning Team at 315-781-4420 or

Tools for Recording Lectures, Presentations, and Other Content

There are a number of options for recording materials that you are looking to share with students online, we recommend Zoom. Based on the technology available to you, and your level of comfort with some programs, you may have multiple options that will work for your particular scenario.

Viewing Student Learning Feedback Form (SLFF) Results on EvaluationKit

Step by step instructions are provided for faculty to access and download the results of Student Learning Feedback Forms (SLFFs) electronically.

What are some best practices for teaching with Microsoft Excel?

This article outlines the options available to instructors that are seeking to teach data analysis using spreadsheet tools. The primary focus is on options available for Microsoft Excel. Other tools are listed for reference.