Emergency Phone Call Recording

Tags revcord

Summary (what you get):

The RevCord system records emergency phone calls for Campus Safety. All calls incoming in and outgoing, including radio transmissions, are recorded for liability and training purposes. Reports are available through a request to IT Services.

Services include:

  • Live call monitoring
  • Web interface playback
  • Create a list of communications and actions pertaining to a specific emergency situation
  • Export a collection of calls and communications for legal purposes

When you receive it:

Accounts are created through a request made by Campus Safety to IT Services.

Members of Campus Safety have secure access to the system through a web browser.

Service does not include:

IT Services does not manage or support the radio equipment and infrastructure.

Where/how to request this service:

Members of Campus Safety may request account support or reports through the button in the upper right.

Request RevCord Account or Report

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