Zoom meetings can be joined by any one that has the link. It is recommended that Zoom links are either emailed to the intended participants or posted in Canvas sites. If there is concern about non-HWS participation, it would be valuable to be explicit with meeting invitees or students that the meeting link is not to be shared or disseminated beyond the group. Note: Students can only record a meeting using the Zoom meeting tools if granted permission by the Faculty member hosting the meeting. All participants will see a Recording notice on the screen when the meeting is being recorded.
Functionalities you should enable for every meeting
Enable Waiting Room
This setting will ask participants to wait to be admitted upon joining a meeting. You as the host will have the ability to let each individual person in as they join. It is recommended to use this setting for classes, using the 'admit all' feature after reviewing the participants list before the class starts.
Only Authenticated Users can Join: Sign into Zoom / Require Authentication to Join
This setting will only allow participants with HWS credentials the ability to join the meeting.
Play sound when participants join or leave
While this will not prevent someone from joining a Zoom meeting, it will alert by playing a sound when a person does join the meeting.

Functions you should use when you start a meeting
Lock the meeting
When you lock the meeting, no new participants can join, even if they have the meeting ID and password. this can prevent unwanted participants from entering your meeting.
Additional functions to make a Zoom meeting even more secure
During a Meeting
The following features and settings can used while a meeting is in progress. They are accessed from the Security tab in your menu (pictured right).

Allow Participants to: Share Screen
This toggles the ability for people other than the host to share their screens. It is recommended that you leave this option unselected until you know that you are ready to have students share materials.
Allow Participants to: Chat
This controls the ability of others to use the chat feature built into Zoom. Disabling this will prevent participants from using chat during the meeting, unless the setting is changed.
Allow Participants to: Rename Themselves
This option controls students' ability to change their own names in the meeting.
Allow Participants to: Unmute Themselves
This option controls student's ability to turn their microphone on and participate using audio.
Allow Participants to: Start Video
This option controls the ability of students to enable their camera.
Suspend Participant Activities
This option disables all participants chat, video, microphone, and sharing options. It removes the ability of all participants to meaningfully participate, and is designed to quickly remove any disruptions from a non-host.
Video Tutorials:
For detailed coverage of these settings, please take a look at the following instructional videos:
Security Overview and General Considerations
Editing your Meeting Settings for all Meetings
In Meeting Security