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    Using Box to deliver video content through Canvas is a great way to ensure that students have access to the content in an easy and accessible way.
    Best practices for students using Zoom in their work for student groups, academic support, and as student employees.
    Recommendations and settings to keep Zoom meetings secure.
    There are a number of options for recording materials that you are looking to share with students online, we recommend Zoom. Based on the technology available to you, and your level of comfort with some programs, you may have multiple options that will work for your particular scenario.
    Video guides for the most frequently used tools for online instruction, including Zoom and Canvas.
    Troubleshooting guides to help get your video working.
    If you are joining or hosting a meeting individually you can meet anywhere, including your office. Find out what other spaces on campus already equipped for Zoom meetings.
    How-To guide for screen sharing during a Zoom meeting.
    How-to guide for joining a Zoom meeting
    Troubleshooting Zoom audio issues.
    Collection of how-to guides for getting started with Zoom and web-conferencing
    How to download Zoom recordings from a browser.
    Instructions for downloading and installing Visualizer software for a document camera.
    Instructions for using the Admit All feature in Zoom Waiting Rooms.