To use the HWS network off-campus, you will need to connect to a Virtual Private Network (VPN), using either web access or downloading the VPN client. Before connecting, you need to install the VPN software on your computer. In addition to the VPN client, you will need to install the Java SE Dev kit. (It essentially allows the VPN to work properly).
Note: Certain directions may differ depending on if your device is personal or HWS issued.
Note: You will not be able to use your knowledge-based questions when in the process of accessing the system, you will need to use one of the delivery methods available (phone or email) to receive your 6-digit passcode
Installing and Setting up the VPN client on MacOS
Before proceeding to install the VPN client, you first need to install the Java SE Development Kit
Installing the Java Kit on Your HWS Issued Computer
1. Open Spotlight
2. Search for Self Service
3. Features tab > Java SE Development Kit 15 > Click install

Installing the Java Kit on Your Personal Computer
1. Go to
2. Scroll down to Java Development Kit 15.01 and download the file for the MacOS installer
3. Check the box to accept terms and conditions
4. Click Download

5. Go to downloads, double click on the install file
6. Go through the installer process
7. When prompted, enter your computer password
8. Click Install Software
9. After installation is complete, click Close
10. Click Move to trash
Once you have the Java SE Development kit installed, you can move on to installing the actual VPN. The process is the same for both HWS issued devices and personal devices
Installing the VPN Client
1. Visit to download and install the VPN client
2. Enter your HWS username and password
3. Click Log In

4. Select a method for receiving your passcode.
5. Click OK.
6. Enter the passcode you receive in the field.
7. Click OK

8. When prompted to install Secure EndPoint Manager, click Install

9. Click Continue

10. Go to Downloads, double-click the .dmg file
11. Drag SecureEndpointManager to the Applications folder

12. Go to the Applications folder
13. Double Click SecureEndpointManger
14. Click Open

15. In the Proxy Configuration window, select Use system proxy settings
16. Click OK

17. Go back to the browser you were using for, click Install VPN Client

18. Click Install.
Note: You may be prompted to open, which you should open.

19. When prompted, enter your computer password
20. Click OK

21. Go to applications and double click content tunnel
22. Once open, double click on add configuration
23. Restart your computer to complete the process - That's it!!
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