HWS Credentials

Summary (what you get)

Each HWS network user has an account login ID and password, or HWS credentials. HWS credentials are used to access the HWS network and resources such as file share, e-mail, online learning management software, IT service requests, and much more.

Services include

  • A pre-assigned username
    • Student credentials are formatted as first initial, last initial, and the last 4 numbers of the student ID number. For example: John Smith's student ID number is 12345678. John Smiths' HWS username is JS5678.
    • Faculty/Staff credentials are formatted as their last name in all capital letters.
  • A private password. You will receive your temporary password to your associated e-mail address when your account is created, which you can reset upon logging in. Having a strong password helps the Colleges prevent unauthorized or inappropriate access to various electronic resources.
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA) as an additional security measure when using certain electronic resources
  • Support managing your credentials.
  • Prompts to reset your password every 365 days.

When you receive it

For Faculty/Staff: HWS credentials are provided through the Office of Human Resources (HR) to new employees. The initial password issued is temporary and will expire within 30 days. You can change your password by going to https://myaccount.hws.edu.

For Students: HWS credentials are provided when you are accepted to the Colleges and reply with intent to enroll.

  •     Knowledge Based Questions – these are security questions that help the system confirm your identity if you've forgotten your password and need to reset it.
  •     Recovery E-mail - this is an e-mail address, other than your HWS e-mail, that provides an alternate method for the system to confirm your identity.

Related information

All Users are expected to maintain secure, private passwords. Failure to maintain a secure password may result in consequences as listed in the Acceptable Use Policy.

Reset Your Password

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Set up an account with password services and reset your password

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