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Instructions for using the Admit All feature in Zoom Waiting Rooms.
Options and steps to send a Zoom meeting invitation to participants.
Recommendations and settings to keep Zoom meetings secure.
How-To guides for the different ways to schedule a Zoom meeting.
Below is a list of common pitfalls when writing survey questions. Avoiding these 7 pitfalls will increase the likelihood that your survey provides the data you desire.
This article describes a POSIT collaboration space for group collaborations as well as the process for requesting a student group collaboration space.
How to enable live captions and transcriptions for Zoom meetings.
Do you need to teach your students remotely and have little or no notice to plan to do so?
Some general considerations and resources that faculty can use to help navigate teaching in a hyflex or hybrid classroom where some learners are physically present while others are remotely taking the course.
Video guides for the most frequently used tools for online instruction, including Zoom and Canvas.
A set of best practices for any user trying Zoom for the first time.