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    Services or Offerings?
    HWS provides multiple ways for students, faculty, and staff to store and collaborate on files.

    The HWS campus provides three for students, staff, faculty, and a public network for the community and certain devices (gaming consoles, smart TVs, other smart devices).

    The anti-spam junk e-mail system prevents spam mail from clogging up your HWS e-mail inbox, which reduces your chance of clicking on malicious links or having a virus on your computer, while still allowing you to control what is filtered.

    The online learning management system may be used by students, faculty and staff at the Colleges to facilitate file sharing, digital assignment distribution and submission, asynchronous communication, collaborative writing, and more.

    The HWS network can be accessed off-campus by the Virtual Private Network (VPN), allowing access to the HWS network drives.

    Students, faculty, and staff can use the HWS Large File Transfer system to securely share files that are too large for normal e-mail attachments. This system allows sending files up to 2GB by e-mailing a link to a secure download Web site that the recipient can click to access.

    HWS users can view general software tutorials through Infobase Learning. IT Services also provides user support of DataCamp for tutorials specific to data analysis software.

    IT Services provides a web-based survey tool that may be used by faculty and staff at the Colleges. This tool may be used for both simple and complex surveys, and offers an easy-to-use interface, various question types and options, user-friendly survey URLs, and mass e-mail and reporting capabilities.

    HWS provides free TV streaming through SpectrumU. Students and employees can access up to 80 TV Channel apps, such as popular entertainment, international, and sports channels (see below) using your HWS credentials. Along with live TV, SpectrumU offers a sizeable on-demand library with previous episodes, full series, and hit movies when you watch on campus. You can also record up to 20 shows and watch them anytime using cloud DVR for on-campus viewing.

    IT Services provides Web-based video conferencing tools for students, faculty and staff to conduct meetings, classes, etc. online.