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Each HWS network user has an account login ID and password, or HWS credentials. HWS credentials are used to access the HWS network and resources such as file share, e-mail, online learning management software, IT service requests, and much more.

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Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) provides an additional layer of security when logging into HWS applications on a device for the first time. MFA verifies your identity by requiring additional credentials, like a PIN or answering a challenge question. Once the PIN is entered or the challenge questions are answered, MFA will remember your login on that device for 30 days. You will have to enter MFA credentials once every 30 days on a trusted device so that the security measure remains effective without too much inconvenience to you.

The anti-spam junk e-mail system prevents spam mail from clogging up your HWS e-mail inbox, which reduces your chance of clicking on malicious links or having a virus on your computer, while still allowing you to control what is filtered.

The HWS campus provides three for students, staff, faculty, and a public network for the community and certain devices (gaming consoles, smart TVs, other smart devices).