Canvas Resources for Faculty

Course sites
Adding collaborators

Articles (26)

Pinned Article Attendance (Roll Call) Tool in Canvas

The Attendance tool is an app used for taking attendance in Canvas courses.

Pinned Article Enable Self-Enrollment for Organizational & Extracurricular Canvas Courses

Step-by-step guide for turning on self-enrollemt in a Canvas course

Pinned Article Top Tips for Teaching Remotely

Do you need to teach your students remotely and have little or no notice to plan to do so?

Pinned Article What Canvas Resources are available?

General Information and Resources for Canvas

Adding a TA or Other Collaborator to a Credit-Bearing Canvas Site

Adding Writing Colleagues, Teaching Fellows, or Faculty to a Canvas Site

Adding Users into your User Managed Course

Adding users into your User Managed Course

Can I use Canvas for a Blog Assignment?

While Canvas does not have a distinct tool for blogging, it does offer several options for related functions.

Canvas Grade Book Features

Posting policies, grading workflows, and other features in the Canvas grade book.

Canvas Site Design Help

Canvas course design help

Combining Two Sections of the Same Course in Canvas

Merging or Combining Canvas Course Sites

Customizing the Left Hand Navigation Bar in your Canvas Site

The left-hand navigation buttons can be re-organized or hidden from students to help better facilitate delivery of course content.

Exporting and Sharing Canvas Course Content

Different ways to export and share Canvas course materials with other faculty.

Grading Canvas Assignments with Apple iPad

Overview of grading process using iPad to grade Canvas submitted PDFs that are downloaded to Box.

Grading with Points, Displaying as Percentage – Displaying as Percentage for Faculty Only

Steps for grading with points and percentages in the Canvas grade book.

How do I adjust Canvas messaging preferences?

Adjusting settings for Canvas notifications

How do I make Course Content Visible to Students?

Making course materials on Canvas visible to students

How do Students get added to a Canvas site?

Students who are registered for a course in Peoplesoft are added to a Canvas site automatically.

Organizing Your Canvas Dashboard by Starring Courses

Faculty can use starring courses as a method to effectively organize their Canvas dashboard.

Unable to add files or edit content in my Canvas Site

Courses go into a read-only state after each semester. Contact the Digital Learning Team for help.

Universal Design for Learning and Canvas

An introduction to the Universal Design for Learning framework and how Canvas can help you incorporate the UDL principles for your diverse learners.

Using Canvas to Schedule Appointments with Students

How to create and signup for appointments in Canvas

What Happens to my Canvas Site at the End of a Semester?

Preparing Canvas Sites for the end of the semester